Syrenead Tormelodos

The Girl With The Green Thumb

Hi, I am Syrenead, most people call me Syri. I am fifty-two years old, which is still pretty young for my kind. I am an herbalist and a salve-maker, which is kind of like a doctor, but without all the formal training and schooling. As a Viera, I am of the Veena tribes who hail from the Skatay Range along the northern region of the Golmore Jungle in Othard.I grew up there, but I did not stay there. You see, I was blessed with something my tribe called a wandering heart. It means that when the time is right we will set off and leave the Wood; giving up our home, our families, and for some of us our children. When I was a kit, I knew I was going to explore the world. At forty-nine, I decided now was the time.Now I know what you must be thinking, Syri it says "Girl with the green thumb" at the top. What does that even mean and what does it have to do with you leaving your homeland? Well, it has everything to do with it. Mostly because I have loved plants since I was kit. I spent hours looking over old herbalist books and botany tomes that the salve-makers kept record of.Of course, I could not read at first, so I studied the pictures. Then when. I was able to read, I absorbed everything like a sponge. I spent hours and days, months and years learning everything I could about the plants in my homeland. But those plants would never be enough.And so I travel around this beautiful star learning about all the different flora of the areas I visit. So yes, I gave up everything I ever knew, to learn more about where I am from.I hope you will join me on this journey.

Roleplay Hooks

Intrepid Coalition - A company based in the Goblet of Ul'dah; a community outreach group how specialize in helping those of lesser means. Syri now leads and acts as head of operations for the free company.The Botanist - maybe you saw her at the botany guild in Gridania or perhaps you saw her in your travels around the star. Wherever there are plants, there's a chance you may spot Syri taking notes, drawing, painting or collecting.Sunflower Vale Island Sanctuary - A sprawling island where Syri can be found growing, planting and studying various plants in the southern seas off of Limsa Lominsa. Access is not granted to those she is not friends with.


Race: Veena Viera
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual - Male leaning
Age: 52 (about 27 hyur years)
Place of Birth: Skatay Range Foothills, northern Golmore Jungle
Marital Status: Single
Height: 5'2 (62 in) (157.48cm)
Weight: 127lbs (57.5kg)
Hair: Ash brown
Eyes: Aquamarine
Alignment: Neutral Good
Blood Type: A

Relations and Friendships

Mother: Mrijna Tomelodos - Deceased
Father: Yurhee Huorlwesfv
Crjn (Krin) Tormelodos
Sonja (Sohn-ya) Tormelodos
Lljna (Thleena) Tormelodos
Riijn (Ree-yin) Tormelodos
Sune (Soon) Monnawesfv
Ejnar (Eye-nyaar) Sjadarwesfv
Children: Twin infants
Ikamo Desall
Roehswys Eynrael
Elise Braddock
Svala Gilbrand

Out-of-Character Info

Availability-Timezone: Pacific - UTC -8
Active Hours: varies between 9am and 2am
Preferred RP place: In game/Discord is acceptable after friendship is formed.

Contact me-
In game: Tells are fine, walk up is better.
Discord: This information will be given at my discretion.

Guidelines-Player at least 21+ to role play. Character at least 18+. I am simply not comfortable role-playing with those under this age.Avoid metagaming. All information in this profile is meant for OOC purposes only, and not to be used IC unless your character might know part of it.Player consent is sexy. This is not a request. Violence/assault of any kind against my character will not be accepted nor tolerated without my explicit permission beforehand. Do now, ask forgiveness later is not okay.Real life always comes first. This goes for anything from kids to mental health to being sick with the flu. I will never get mad at you for taking care of you.IC is not OOC and should not be treated as such. Anything my character may say or do does not always reflect me as a person. I do not want toxicity, or drama. I want to play pixel dolls with my friends and make great stories.I enjoy all types of RP. Combat, adventure/exploration, bar crawls, casual chatter, romantic, friendly, whatever. I like to see my characters thrive or even struggle in all walks of their life and enjoy playing out just about anything there is to be played out.I am lore-abiding and do my best to stay within lore lines. I am not against bending the lore to make it fit the narrative so long as it makes sense.While I enjoy romantic RP and am not opposed to sexual RP, I am not looking to live vicariously through my characters. I am not interested in dating you nor do I want to cyber with you the player, no matter what our characters themselves may be getting up to.

Lines and Veils: no exceptions unless otherwise statedExcessive gore, brutality, harm
Permanent death or dismemberment of my character
Rape/sexual assault
Bodily fluids not including blood or semen
Hate towards the LGBTQ+ Alphabet mafia
Racism towards real life races (In game racism towards in game races: Duskwights, Ishgardian, Lalafell, Garleans etc... is acceptable.)

Becoming Syrenead

Part IShe was the youngest of seven siblings, a rare thing for any mother of humanoid creatures. While her four sisters and two brothers towered over her, she remained small, a defect that gave her a dwarfed appearance. Silver white hair fell in delicate fluffs around her face, two short ears, not nearly as good for hearing as her siblings and piercing teal eyes made up the small Viera. All of her siblings were various shades of browns both eyes and hair. However, her oddities and differences didn't make her family love her any less. It did make them more protective when she was not in the tree lofts. Their mother realized at an early age, her youngest daughter was different and not in just a physical sense. While the others learned to hunt, use weapons to protect their home, or scrapped with each other, her smallest daughter would be curled up with a book by the fire. There was one book she was more fond of than any others and it would be this book that would change the way she viewed her small world. It was a simple book on plants, written by an elder of the plants they could find around the village. She spent hours pouring over the pages, looking at the different flowers, learning their names and locations.《Pála, put the book away, it is time to eat,》her mother told her. Begrudgingly, she did as she was told, but rushed through her food to get back to the book.During one evening of study, she was given a book full of small sturdy pieces of pressed paper and pigment pencils; a gift from one of the passing males. She would spend the next three months sketching plants around the forest of their tree house. Staying within hearing distance. Pála wrote down everything she could learn about these plants. She questioned elders about their knowledge of such plants and other plants. She became more and more fascinated by the world outside of the jungle. She often dreamed of big cities and large spiraling towers that scraped against the sky. Slanted roofs, and stones bigger than any seen on the jungle floor. She read the books of the outsiders, people called Hyur, Elezen, Au Ra, cat people, who like them stuck to the forest, the Miqo'te. Each and every one fascinated her to an endless degree and it was in those moments that her mother began to worry.《Pála, come, I want to show you something,》her mother said late one evening.Never disobeying, she set her book down and followed her mother. They put on warm coats and boots, gather waterskins and travel food. It was lightweight, but helped keep energy levels up. Mostly made of a brown lentil flour and water, they would often make these biscuit like items and smear with rolanberry or with another type of food preserve they made to keep them full while traveling. As they continued to climb, the star studded sky became more clear and she found herself looking up more and more. Finally, they reached a flat summit, they were not the first to settle there; there was still a wood pile and fire pit.《Light a small fire, I will make us something warm to drink.》Pála came to do just that, making a small fire with some of the wood and the leftover kindling. Opening a chest that was hidden by the wood, she would pull out a small kettle. Dumping the contents of her waterskin in the pot she would set it on the fire and sit next to her daughter looking up at the sky.《You have a traveler's heart, Pála. You fight it every day, but the wood knows what is in your heart and it weeps at the idea of losing. It understands, just as I do. Tonight begins your training. If you are to travel, if you are to leave the wood, then I will at least make sure you are prepared. I brought you here to show you this,》her mother withdrew a small, smooth golden colored gem from within her pocket and showed it to her daughter. Immediately, the stone would glow, and give a small flicker. Her mother looked sad as she nodded. 《It is just as I suspected. It's time with me is over and it is now time to pass it to you.》Pála took the crystal and looked it over. She felt a tug at her mind and sure enough she started seeing what her mother saw. Unsure of what any of it meant, she looked at her mother with a confused look on her face.《What does it mean, mama?》Her mother smiled at her gently, but with a saddened expression. She reached out and took her smallest daughter's chin and used it to guide her face towards the star filled sky. She pointed towards a cluster of green stars before speaking.《It means that the stars will guide you and speak to you, just the way the wood does to all Viera who are true to the forest. It will help you in your life and one day, you will pass this stone to the next person whose fate will be guided by the stars.》Her mother would smile and go into great detail about each of the stars she herself had drawn power from to aid in her healing. While she spoke of their connections, she made them both some fragrant herbal tea and answered the questions. All the while, Pála would turn the stone in her palm over and over again.《You see, a long time ago, before you were even thought of, your father came back to the village with an Elezen. He was lost and the warders were trying to guide him back to safety without him happening upon our village. But as fate would have it, he tripped over a tree root and broke his ankle. As he was only lost, they did not wish to harm him. But now he was lost and injured. Your father blind folded him and brought back here. It was him who gave me this stone. He felt it unattune from him, and while he was saddened by it, he was willing to teach. When he gave me his stone, it shone such a beautiful yellow glow as if to say hello. Then I began my training as a healer the outsiders call an Astrologian, just as you are going to learn. It will take many years to learn, just as it did me.》Her thirst for knowledge made her listen that much more to her mother's stories about the mysterious Elezen who stayed with them to teach something that would be passed down. But in learning this knowledge, she wanted more. Pála's mother had hoped it would keep her daughter's traveling heart home for as long as she could.Over the next several months, Pála was figuring out the correct measurements of herbs to alcohol to make the tinctures, she would taste them, make a face and some adjustments, or she would make a face and wake up several hours later in her bed and her sisters telling her to slow down. But for her, there was no slowing down. In the evenings she would learn her constellations and how to focus her aether through it. As she mastered each one, her mother would give her one of the eight cards from the deck she held. When she had mastered all eight, could recite the name, position in the sky and the effect they would have on a friend or an enemy, her mother presented her with an antique looking star globe. She showed Pála how to activate it and showed her which dials to turn to summon her star cards.《I have taught you the basics, now you will learn from Ateaux and the soul stone.》